1Edward Tylor, Primitive Culture, London: John Murray, 1871. p. 1.
2Merriam, Alan P. “Ethnomusicology : Discussion and Definition of the Field”, Ethnomusicology, iv, 1960,p. 109.
3Merriam, Alan P. "Ethnomusicology' s Today", Current Musicology, xx, 1975,p. 57.
4Merriam, Alan P. "Definitions of 'Comparative Musicalogy' and'Ethnomusicology', Historical - Theoretical Perspective", Ethnomusicology, xxi, 1977, p. 204.
7布朗.《社会人类学方法》( Method in Social Anthropology).夏建中译.(台湾)桂冠图书股份有限公司,1994年版,第50页.
8克利福德·格尔兹.《文化的解释》( The Interpretation of Cultures: selected essays. New York:Basic Books, 1973).纳日碧力格等译,王铭铭校.上海人民出版社,1999年版,第51页.
9薛艺兵译自Michael C. Howard, Contemporary CulturalAnthropology, Third Edition, Harper Collins Publishers, USA, 1988,p.4.
10薛艺兵译自John Blacking, Music, Culture, and Experience, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1995,p. 266.