
电影产业网络研究综述 被引量:9

Literature review on the network of film industry
摘要 我国电影以"产业"形态发展的时间较短,学者们对电影产业的研究较为匮乏。国外经济地理学者关于电影产业的研究主要基于以产业集群为核心的地方网络和价值链、全球生产网络为核心的全球网络视角。理论层面,从网络视角对电影产业的研究与制造业、高技术产业等一致,核心关注点是生产这一单一环节的网络构建、发展、空间演化特征等,对发行、放映等其他价值链环节的系统性研究不足。案例层面,主要集中在欧美发达国家的电影产业。由于社会、文化和制度因素对网络发展影响较大,因此我国这样的发展中国家的电影产业网络的研究必须在借鉴西方研究的同时,加大对我国自身电影产业网络特色的分析。 tual development of practice. Foreign economic geography scholars study filmindustry mainly from industrial cluster as the core of the local network andvalue chain, global production network as the core of the global network. Inthe theoretical aspect, the research from the network perspective on the filmindustry is similar with manufacturing, high-tech industries and so on. Theypay more attention to production than to distribution and exhibition of thefilm industry chain. From the empirical perspective, the case studies focus onthe film industries in developed countries. Because the development of thefilm industry network is closely related to the social, cultural and institu-tional factors, we should, on the one hand, learn from studies abroad, but onthe other hand, we should analyze the distinct characteristics of film indus-try network in China.
作者 刘刚 辛晓睿 海骏娇 曾刚 LIU Gang XIN Xiao-rui HAI Jun-jiao ZENG Gang(Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 2000062,Chin)
出处 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期124-133,共10页 World Regional Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41371147) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(41301133)
关键词 电影产业 网络 产业集群 价值链 全球生产网络 film industry network film industry value chain global pro-duction network
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