
中国古代科学的“诗性”与“礼性” 被引量:4

The Poetry and Rituality of Ancient Chinese Sciences
摘要 本文从知识的创造和知识的运用两个角度来看中国古代科学。从知识的创造角度来看,中国古代科学的思维具有"诗性",即"近取诸身,远取诸物"的"取象类比",类似《诗经》中的"兴象"。这种"诗性"的思维,表现了中国古代科学想象、表达和推理的方式。而从知识的运用角度来看,中国古代科学是为建立秩序、治理国家服务的。基于天文历法"月令"思想,强调人与自然和谐统一,是国家统治之合法性的基础;古代理想的职官体系,实际上就是一个古代知识体系;对国计民生重要的科学知识,得到国家持续的支持;这一切都说明中国古代科学的"礼性"。 Ancient Chinese Sciences can be understood from two perspectives: knowledge creation and knowledge applications. From the perspective of knowledge creation, the thought-pattern of Chinese science is "analogical thinking" by "adopting images from one's own person and from other things", which is similar to "arousing images" in composing poems, as typically demonstrated in The Book of Songs. This "poetic thinking" illustrated imaginary, expression and reasoning in ancient Chinese sciences. On the other hand, the "rituality" of Chinese science means that, in ancient China, natural science are always for the establishment of the order of heaven-and- earth, which in turn for the establishment of social order, i.e., li (rituality). Firstly, the "monthly ordinance (yue ling)" is a comprehensive system to arrange things in accordance with the seasons, thus establishing a harmonious relationship between Man and Heaven, upon which the legitimacy of imperial rule was truly founded. Secondly, ancient Chinese bureaucratic system, the ideal type of which is presented in the Zhou Rituals, reflects a system of scientific and technological knowledge. Finally, those branches of scientific knowledge useful for the economy and governance of the state were well-developed thanks to sustained support from the state. All these are political (essentially ritualistic) characteristics of ancient Chinese sciences.
出处 《科学文化评论》 2017年第1期5-14,共10页 Science & Culture Review
关键词 中国古代科学史 诗性 取象类比 礼性 秩序 ancient Chinese sciences, poetry, analogical thinking, rituality, order
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