
清分型多功能投币机的开发 被引量:1

Development of a Sorting Type Slot Machine with Many Functions
摘要 针对传统公交投币机功能简单、需要人工分拣清点的不足,设计了一种面向公交小额收费的清分型多功能投币机,阐述了清分型多功能投币机的基本设计原则、功能模块、结构、主要技术参数,指出该投币机除了具有传统公交投币机的现金及公交卡支付功能外,在机箱内部还可实现硬币和纸币混合物的分离功能、票据的即时打印功能等,并构建了银联IC卡快捷支付接口、扫码支付接口,为公交收费的互联网模式进行了有益的探索。 The traditional bus slot machine is simple and need manual sorting. Based on it, a sorting type slot machine with many functions is designed. The paper expounds the design principle, function module, structure and main technical parameter of the machine, points out that it can realize the functions of separating coins and banknotes and printing bills, besides the traditional payment function. It sets up the interface of UnionPay IC card payment and scan code payment, which is a useful exploration of internet model of public transportation charge system.
出处 《科技创新与生产力》 2017年第5期63-65,69,共4页 Sci-tech Innovation and Productivity
基金 2015年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201510082007) 2017年河北科技大学大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖
关键词 投币机 投币 清分 钱币清点 钱币分拣 银联IC卡支付 扫码支付 票据打印 slot machine insert coin distribution coin counting coin sorting UnionPay IC card payment scan code pay-ment bill printing
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