
IAEA SRS-19模型和XOQDOQ模型在ERICA程序陆生生物辐射影响评价中的应用研究 被引量:2

Application of ERICA code in radiological impact assessment of terrestrial organisms with IAEA SRS-19 model and XOQDOQ model
摘要 使用ERICA程序对陆生生物进行辐射影响评价时,可以选择IAEA SRS-19模型计算核素在环境介质中的浓度,或者直接输入特征厂址核素在环境介质中的浓度。XOQDOQ模型可以用来计算特征厂址核素在环境介质中的浓度,本文比较了IAEA SRS-19模型和XOQDOQ模型的不同,并以我国某核电厂为例,分别使用两种模型计算环境介质中核素浓度,并采用ERICA程序进行陆生生物辐射影响评价。结果表明,该厂址周围各类陆生生物所受的辐射影响均不大,但使用XOQDOQ模型的计算结果相对较大。 The IAEA SRS - 19 model or site specific medium concentration could be used to calculate the nuclide concentration in environment media in terrestrial organisms radiological impact assessment by the ERICA code, so could the XOQDOQ model. The differences of the IAEA SRS - 19 model and the XOQDOQ model are compared in this paper. The two models are used to calculate concentration of nuclides in environment media near a Chinese nuclear power plant and to assess terrestrial organisms radiological impact by the ERICA code. It was concluded that the radiation effects on terrestrial organisms near the site were acceptable by using both models in the ERICA code but the result calculated by the XOQDOQ model was larger.
作者 魏其铭 杜红燕 白晓平 朱好 毛亚蔚 郑伟 Wei Qiming Du Hongyan Bai Xiaoping Zhu Hao Mao Yawei Zheng Wei(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. Ltd. , Beijing 100840)
出处 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期223-229,共7页 Radiation Protection
关键词 IAEA SRS-19模型 XOQDOQ模型 ERICA程序 陆生生物 辐射影响评价 SRS - 19 model XOQDOQ model ERICA code terrestrial organism radiation effect assessment
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