
基于SSR标记技术的南丰柑橘种质资源亲缘关系研究 被引量:12

Genetic relationship analysis among Nanfeng citrus using SSR markers
摘要 【目的】从分子水平探究南丰柑橘种质间的亲缘关系。【方法】应用SSR技术对28份南丰柑橘种质进行基因组的多态性分析。【结果】从91对引物中筛选得到13对SSR引物,可区分全部供试材料。共扩增得到64个等位基因,平均每个位点4.92个等位基因。以遗传相似系数0.18为界,金柑属金柑单独聚为1类,柑橘属27份供试样品聚为1类。以相似系数0.59为阈值,27份柑橘属供试种质分为5个类群,其中南丰蜜橘品种群(包含小果系、大果系、桂花蒂系、早熟系)所有20份供试种质与‘蜜广’聚为一类,‘小叶广’‘火广’‘火橘’聚为一类,‘红广’‘红橘’‘本地早橘’各为一类。【结论】南丰广橘品种群中‘蜜广’与南丰蜜橘品种群有较近的亲缘关系,而‘红广’与亲本南丰蜜橘和‘红橘’的亲缘关系均较远。‘小叶广’‘火广’和‘火橘’亲缘关系较近。 【Objective】Nanfeng tangerines(Citrus reticulate Blanco‘Kinokuni') are one of the most famous local cultivars of China. It has more than 1 300 years of cultivation history. Due to the high frequency of natural variation and natural hybridization, the Nanfeng tangerine gradually formed the Nanfeng tangerine group(such as small-fruit Nanfeng tangerines, large-fruit Nanfeng tangerines, early-ripe Nanfeng tangerines,‘Guihuadi'Nanfeng tangerines, etc.) and the Nanfeng guangju group(such as‘Hongguang'‘Miguang'etc.). Based on the comprehensive collection of Nanfeng citrus germplasms, this study utilized SSR markers to explore their genetic relationships from the molecular level, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the Nanfeng citrus germplasm resources preservation and utilization.【Methods】Twenty-eight germplasm accessions of Nanfeng citrus were used as materials for analyzing their genome polymorphism, including 15 small-fruit Nanfeng tangerine cultivars, two large-fruit Nanfeng tangerine cultivars, two earlyripe Nanfeng tangerine cultivars,‘Guihuadi'Nanfeng tangerine,‘Hongguang'‘Miguang'‘Xiaoyeguang'‘Huoguang'‘Red tangerine'‘Huoju'‘Bendizaoju'and kumquat all collected from the Nanfeng Tangerine Germplasm Repository in Nanfeng county, Shuinan and Dabao village in Qincheng town, Nanfeng county, and the Nanfeng Tangerine Germplasm Repository in Horticultural Sciences Institute of Jiangxi Agricultural Sciences Academy. The collected fresh leaves were brought back to the laboratory iniced cassettes. After their surfaces were cleaned by clear water, they were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at-80 ℃ until required for testing. The improved CTAB method was used to extract the total DNA genome, 91 pairs of SSR primers were used from previous reports. The total PCR reaction volume was 25 μL: 2×Taq PCR Master Mix 12.5 μL, 10 μmol·L-1forward and reverse primers each 0.5 μL, 50 mg·L-1template DNA 0.5 μL, dd H2 O 11 μL. The cycles were programmed as follows: one initial denaturing cycle at 94 ℃ for 4 min, 32 cycles of 30 s denaturing at 94 ℃, 45 s annealing at 45-60 ℃, 45 s elongation at72 ℃ and one final cycle of 5 min at 72 ℃, stored at 4 ℃. The products were electrophoresised on 6%(ρ)denaturing polyacrylamide gel and visualized using silver staining. The polymorphism was determined according to the presence(scored as"1") or absence(scored as"0") of the SSR band. The similarity coefficient was calculated using NTSYS-pc2.1 software. UPGMA(unweighted pair group method arithmetic averages) were determined by using clustering analysis. The polymorphic information content(PIC) values for each marker were calculated according to the following formula: PIC=1-ΣPij2, where Pijis the frequency of the jth pattern for SSR marker i.【Results】Thirteen out of the 91 SSR loci were used for genotpying and they were able to distinguish all accessions. Sixty-four alleles were identified across all loci, with an average of 4.92 alleles per locus. UPGMA analysis showed that the kumquat(Fortunella crassifolia Swing.)was separated from the other 27 accessions of Citrus at the similarity coefficient of 0.18. At the coefficient of 0.59, the remaining 27 accessions of Citrus were divided into five major groups. All the 20 Nanfeng tangerine cultivars and Miguang could be clustered into one group(Ⅰ), and‘Xiaoyeguang'‘Huoguang'and‘Huoju'were clustered into another group(Ⅱ).‘Hongguang'‘Red tangerine'and‘Bendizao tangerine'were distributed in group Ⅲ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ, respectively. When the similarity coefficient was 0.70, group Ⅰwas divided into 2 subgroups.‘Guihuadi'Nanfeng tangerine, early-ripe Nanfeng tangerine‘LS-1'and14 small-fruit Nanfeng tangerine cultivars were distributed in the Ⅰ-1 subgroup. The biological characteristics and economic traits of‘Guihuadi'Nanfeng tangerine and early-ripe Nanfeng tangerine‘LS-1'were fundamentally the same as the small-fruit Nanfeng tangerine except for sepals like osmanthus flower shape and an early mature period of 7-10 d, respectively. Small-fruit Nanfeng tangerine‘97-2', earlyripe Nanfeng tangerine‘97-1', large-fruit Nanfeng tangerine‘LS-1', large-fruit Nanfeng tangerine‘97-1'and‘Miguang'were distributed in subgroupⅠ-2. Each of the Nanfeng tangerine strains did not separate during clustering. However, the small-fruit Nanfeng tangerine was primarily concentrated in subgroup Ⅰ-1.【Conclusion】The genetic relationships between the‘Miguang'and Nanfeng tangerine were closer than that between the‘Hongguang'and Nanfeng tangerine. In addition,‘Xiaoyeguang'‘Huoguang'and‘Huoju'were clustered together, indicating they have close genetic relationships.
作者 辜青青 曾涛 魏清江 邹菊花 陈金印 GU Qingqing ZENG Tao WEI Qingjiang ZOU Juhua CHEN Jinyin(College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, Jiangxi, China Bureau of Xinyu Fruit Industry, Xinyu 338000, Jiangxi, China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期653-659,共7页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(31260457) 江西省自然科学基金(20122BAB204013) 江西省科技厅重大战略产品创新规划(2008AB00612)
关键词 南丰蜜橘品种群 南丰广橘品种群 微卫星标记 亲缘关系 Nanfeng tangerine Nanfeng guangju SSR marker Genetic relationship
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