5月8日,由波兰驻成都总领事馆举办的波兰美食嘉年华活动在重庆洲际酒店开幕,市政府外事侨务办副主任唐文出席开幕式并与波兰驻成都总领事卡夏进行了交流。5月6日-21日,波兰驻成都总领事馆特邀波兰籍厨师Marcin Poitrowski来渝主厨,在洲际酒店Gingers西餐厅烹饪地道波兰美食,介绍波兰饮食文化。
On May 8, Poland Gourmet Carnival organized by the Consulate General of Poland in Chengdu was inaugurated in the Chongqing International Hotel. Tang Wen, Deputy Director General of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, attended the opening ceremony and conducted exchanges with Cachia, the Consular General of Poland in Chengdu. From May 6 to 21, Marcin Poitrowski, the Poland's chef specially invited by the Consulate General of Poland in Chengdu, came to Gingers (a western restaurant) of Chongqing International Hotel for cooking Poland's local cuisine and introducing its cooking culture.
The World & Chongqing