
企业组织内部学习、外部学习及其协同作用对组织绩效的影响——内部结构和外部环境的调节作用研究 被引量:38

Organizational Internal Learning,External learning and Organizational Performance in Corporations:The Moderating effect of Organizational Structure and Environmental Dynamism
摘要 尽管前人对于组织学习与组织绩效的关系已经展开了较多的研究,但是组织学习对组织绩效产生的影响并不是孤立的,组织学习要与组织内、外部情境因素相适应才能更好地发挥作用。内部学习和外部学习是强调组织学习不同来源的两种重要类型,而内部学习、外部学习及二者的协同作用对组织绩效的影响,会受到组织内部结构和外部环境怎样的调节作用还尚未得到探索和研究。本研究采用来自中国企业的213个样本,根据调查数据发现了,组织外部环境和内部结构特征对组织学习与组织绩效的关系同时起到了调节作用。组织外部环境动态性越高,组织内部有机结构程度越高,组织内部学习和外部学习对组织绩效的提升作用越明显。然而,在探讨不同内、外部环境条件下,内部和外部学习的协同作用对组织绩效的影响时,研究发现有机结构依旧能够支持内部学习和外部学习协同发挥对绩效的促进作用,而动态性较高的环境却不利于内部学习和外部学习的协同,只有在稳定性较低的环境中,内部学习和外部学习才能协同促进组织绩效。本研究的特点在于系统地分析组织内、外部学习及二者的交互作用更好地提升组织绩效的环境和条件,同时考虑组织内部结构和外部环境两种情境因素的作用,对组织学习理论发展做出了一定的贡献,对管理实践也有一定的启示作用。最后,对研究的局限性进行了分析,并提出未来改进和发展的方向。 Based on the literature and theoretical reasoning, models and hypothesis about relationships among organizational learning (internal learning and external learning), organizational structure (mechanistic structure and organic structure), organizational environment (environmental dynamism) and performance are built from the perspective of contingency theory. With a sample of 213 Chinese companies, Hierarchical Regressions are proposed to examine the moderation. Evidence is found to be consistent with the hypotheses by showing that the impact of organizational learning, both internal learning and external learning on organizational performance are moderated by organizational structure and environmental dy- namics. The higher the dynamic environment and the lower the mechanistic structure (the higher the organic structure), the more obvious the effect of organizational learning, both internal learning and external learning, on performance. It is also found that the interaction effect between internal learning and external learning on organizational performance was more significant in organic structure and stable environment. While in mechanistic and dynamic environment, internal learning and external learning don't have syner- gistic effect on performance. In this study, factors that influence the effect of organizational learning from both inside and outside of organizations are combined to discuss, which makes a comprehensive understanding about how to create better condition and environment for performance improvement. Chinese companies should emphasize both internal and external learning, and integrate the two learning styles by structural design and environmental recognition. Finally, the limitations of the study are analyzed and the future development direction is proposed.
作者 陈国权 刘薇 CHEN Guo-quan LIU Wei(School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Business School, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China)
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期175-186,共12页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(71421061 71121001) 国家杰出青年基金项目(70625003) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金重大项目(06JJD630013) 教育部博士点基金(20090002110037)
关键词 组织学习 内部学习 外部学习 组织结构 环境动态性 组织绩效 organizational learning internal learning external learning organizational structure environmental dynamism organizational performance
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