Using an optical vortex coronagraph (OVC) is one of the most promising techniques for di- rectly imaging exoplanets because of its small inner working angle and high throughput. This paper presents the design and laboratory demonstration performance of an OVC based on liquid crystal polymers (LCPs) at 633 nm and 1520 nm. The OVC can deliver good performance in laboratory tests and achieve a contrast of 10-6 at an angular distance of 3A/D, which can be implemented for imaging young giant exoplanets in combination with extreme adaptive optics.
Using an optical vortex coronagraph (OVC) is one of the most promising techniques for di- rectly imaging exoplanets because of its small inner working angle and high throughput. This paper presents the design and laboratory demonstration performance of an OVC based on liquid crystal polymers (LCPs) at 633 nm and 1520 nm. The OVC can deliver good performance in laboratory tests and achieve a contrast of 10-6 at an angular distance of 3A/D, which can be implemented for imaging young giant exoplanets in combination with extreme adaptive optics.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11661161011,11433007,11220101001,11328302 and 11373005)
the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA04075200)
the International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant Nos.114A32KYSB20160018 and 114A32KYSB20160057)
the special fund for astronomy of CAS(2015–2016)
Part of the work described in this paper was carried out at California State University,Northridge,with support from the Mt.Cuba Astronomical Foundation