
不同有机物料对微域内土壤原生动物和线虫的影响 被引量:7

Effects of Organic Materials on Soil Protozoa and Nematodes in Microzones
摘要 施用有机物料能够显著影响土壤肥力和生物群落结构,然而有机物料在土壤中分布不均会加剧土壤空间异质性,进而对土壤生物群落的结构和功能产生进一步的影响。选用水稻秸秆和白三叶草两类有机物料,按比例混合后装于网袋,置于预先装好土的培养容器中恒温培养,在培养的第14、35和70天分别对其中的不同微域(0~1 cm和1~5 cm)土样进行采集,分析其中的土壤原生动物和线虫群落结构的变化。结果表明,有机物料种类及培养时间对原生动物和线虫数量的影响更大,采样微域对二者的影响相对较小。水稻秸秆添加下的土壤植食性线虫、食真菌线虫和捕杂食线虫数量显著高于白三叶草添加;而白三叶草添加下的土壤变形虫、鞭毛虫和线虫总数、食细菌线虫数量显著高于水稻秸秆添加。从整个培养周期来看,鞭毛虫数量随培养时间的延长逐渐减少,而变形虫和线虫总数则随培养时间的延长逐渐增多。在同一有机物料下不同微域间土壤原生动物和线虫在培养初期会出现一定的数量差异,但这种差异随培养时间的延长逐渐消失。 【Objective】Application of organic manure or material may affect soil fertility and soil microbial community structure. However, uneven distribution of the organic materials applied in the soil may aggravate spatial heterogeneity of the soil, and hence affect structure and functions of the soil biota therein. To determine how much organic materials will affect spatial heterogeneity of the soil, an in-lab soil incubation experiment was conducted for observation of how soil protozoa and nematode community structure responded to organic materials (rice straw and white clover) in different microzones (0~1 cm, 1~5 cm). 【Method】Rice straw or white clover was proportionally mixed up with soil and put into net bags separately. Then the bags were put into the vessels of the tested soil, separately, for incubation under a constant temperature (25±1℃) for 70 days. Soil samples were collected from microzones adjacent to (0~1 cm) and far apart (1~5 cm) from the net bags, on D14, D35 and D70 for analysis of abundance, Shannon-Wiener index (H' ), structure index (SI) and maturity index (∑MI2-5) of nematodes, and soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), nitrate nitrogen (NO3?-N), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN), as well, which may be related to changes in the microfauna in the soils amended with rice straw or clove. 【Result】In this experiment, it was found that on the whole kind of the organic material and duration of incubation were the two major factors affecting the numbers of protozoa and nematodes, however, it does not mean that location of the microzone for sampling had no impact on soil microbes therein. Within the initial period of incubation (0~14 days), in microzones of the soil amended with the same organic material, the numbers of soil microbes in the adjacent microzones (0~1 cm) were higher than those in the far-apart microzones (1~5 cm), which is more obvious in the soil added with white clover. With the incubation going on (14~70 days), relative abundances of plant-feeding and fungi-feeding nematodes were higher in the soil added with rice straw than those in the soil added with white clover, whereas relative abundances of soil amoeba, flagellates, total nematodes and bacteria-feeding nematodes went reversely. Different kind of organic material also triggered different changes in Shannon-Wiener indices, structure indices and maturity index of nematodes. Shannon-Wiener index and structure index in adjacent microzones were found higher than those in far-apart microzones in the soil added with white clover, however the disparity was not found in the soil added with rice straw. The number of flagellates decreased, while the numbers of amoeba and nematodes increased with the incubation going on. 【Conclusion】Therefore, it is quite obvious that during the initial period of incubation, distance of microzones from the net bag of soil does have some influences on both the numbers of protozoa and nematodes, especially nematodes, and dthe influence fades with the incubation going on, while, the difference in type of organic material is the factor eventually affecting abundance and community structures of the nematodes.
出处 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期713-721,共9页 Acta Pedologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41371263) 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室开放课题(0812201218)资助~~
关键词 有机物料 微域 线虫 原生动物 Organic materials Microzone Nematode Protozoan
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