

Radio Environment Map Reconstruction Based on Trust Mechanism
摘要 无线电环境地图系统中的感知节点被俘获后会受迫地向数据中心发送伪造数据,导致无线电环境地图精度降低。针对该问题,提出了基于信任机制的空间插值算法改进方案,并阐述了感知节点信任值更新策略。该方案通过改变感知节点的信任度来降低恶意节点的数据在空间插值算法中的权重,经过信任值的多次更新而最终隔离恶意节点。实验仿真中,均方根误差(RMSE)和误警区域率-正确检测区域率(FAZR-CDZR1)两种性能指标均表明所提方案能够有效遏制恶意节点的篡改数据攻击,保障了无线电环境地图的精确度。 The sensing nodes in the radio environment map system will be forced to transmit fake data to the data center after being captured,which leads to reduction of the accuracy of radio environment map . For this problem,an improved scheme of spatial interpolation algorithm based on the trust mechanism is pro-posed and the updating strategy of the trust value about the sensor is elaborated. The scheme reduces the weight of the malicious node's data in the spatial interpolation algorithm by changing the trust level of the nodes and after several times updating of the trust value the malicious node will be isolated in the end. In the experiment both Root Mean Squared Error ( RMSE ) and False Alarm Zone Ratio - Correct Detection Zone Ratio( FAZR -CDZR1 ) performance indexes demonstrate that the proposed scheme can prevent mali-cious nodes' data falsification attack effectively,and guarantee the accuracy of the radio environment map .
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2017年第6期690-697,共8页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61271260) 重庆市科委自然科学基金资助项目(cstc2015jcyjA40050)
关键词 无线传感器网络 无线电环境地图 空间插值算法 信任值更新 wireless sensor network radio environment map spatial interpolation algorithm trust value updating
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