目的探析血浆和肽素的测定对下呼吸道感染严重程度及预后的评估价值。方法选取该院2015年1月—2016年12月期间接收的住院及门诊下呼吸道感染患者50例作为研究对象,作为实验组,另选取同期50名健康体检者作为对照组,均给予和肽素测定,比较两组血浆和肽素水平。结果实验组血浆和肽素水平(3.21±0.38)μg/L,PCT(2.21±1.12)μg/L,显著高于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组PSI等级I级血浆和肽素水平(32.1±12.0)μg/L、II级(40.5±12.7)μg/L、III级(55.2±15.8)μg/L、IV级(78.3±16.3)μg/L、V级(17.2±4.9)μg/L,组间比较差异有统计学意义,且与PSI等级之间呈现正相关(r=0.936 2,P<0.05)。结论血浆和肽素的测定对下呼吸道感染严重程度及预后具有一定评估价值,对改善患者预后价值重大。
Objective To ev aluate the value of p la sm a Copeptin d e te rm in a tio n in th e severity an d prognosis of lower re sp ira -tory tract infect ion. Methods 5 0 c a se s of hospi talized an doutpatient lower re sp irato ry tra c t in fe ct ion were se le c ted from January 2015 to December 2015. As the experimental group, 50 healthy subjects were selected as the control group. Com-pared the two groups of plasma Copeptin. Results T he levels of p la sm a Copeptin in th e ex p e rim en ta l group were sign if i-cantly higher than those in the control group (3.21±0.38)μg/L and PCT (2 .2 1 ± 1 .1 2 )μg/L, re sp e c tiv e ly (P 〈0.05). T he re was a signif icant difference between the two groups(P =0.05). The experimental group of PSI grade I plasma copeptin level (32.1土 12)μg/L, II (40.5±12 .7 )μg/L, II I (5 5 .2 ± 1 5 .8 )μg/L, IV (7 8 .3 ± 1 6 .3 )μg/L, V (1 7 .2± 4 .9 )μg/L, th e d ifferenc e b etwe en th e groups was stat is t ical ly signif icant, showing a positive correlation between PSI and grade( r=0.936 2,P〈0.05). Conclusion T h e d e te r -minat ion of plasma and pept idic acid has a cer tain value in asses sing the severity and prognosis of lower respiratory tract infect ion and improving the prognosis of patients.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Lower resp iratory tract in fect ion
Prognostic value