

A Look at Young Female College Teachers' Class Status from Their Reproductive Choices
摘要 生育选择是人们在工作和家庭间权衡后的结果,是地位的体现。全面二孩政策放开后,高校女青年教师(女"青椒")的生育选择分析,一方面,可以为预测高校是否会因为"二孩"的集中出生影响教学秩序提供依据。另一方面,可以透过分析,揭示"青椒"的学校和社会地位。以问卷调查法取得了高校女"青椒"的生育意愿、生育计划、生育约束因素和生育二孩的效用材料,以消费者均衡分析法分别分析了青年教师扎堆参加职称评审和祖辈帮助带孙情况下女"青椒"的消费者均衡实现过程。得出结果:女"青椒"中不可能出现大规模的生育二孩潮流。生育和抚养两个孩子是极其耗费时间和体力的,即使在替代效应下女"青椒"将时间部分转至家庭,在父母年龄超过60岁、保姆市场不规范、缺乏长期雇佣高素质服务人员经济实力的前提下,女"青椒"首选保证孩子质量,其次达到成熟条件才会生育、抚养二孩。可以看出,在高校内部,"青椒"是一个经济、社会资源占有量处于底层的"屌丝"。在社会中,"青椒"是一个收入中下、身处社会关系屏蔽区的知识分子的结论。为此,应当从以下几点努力:规范职称评审的流程、明晰职称评审的量化标准;推动高校教学、科研团队的建设,对"青椒"起到传帮带作用;规范社会服务人员即保姆的管理工作。 Reproductive choice is the supreme value that can never be compromised for women, which is the em-bodiment of their social rights and status. In the context of the initiation of the two-child policy in China, an analy-sis of the reproductive choice of young female college teachers can not only provide us with the basis for predicting what impact their reproductive choice will have on normal teaching order of colleges and universities but also lend us an insight into the statuses of these young female college teachers either at college or in the society. By a ques-tionnaire survey on young female college teachers 5 reproductive choice, reproductive plan, restraining factors of re-production ,and the utility materials involved in having a second child, the present study addresses the realization of young female college teachers 5 consumer equilibrium in the circumstance of their participating in professional ti-tles evaluation and asking for a helping hand from their parents in child- caring. It is concluded that a mass trend of giving birth to a second child is not highly probable on the part of young female college teachers. Anyhow, giving birth to and raising a second child would prove both a time-consuming and energy-consuming task for most young fe-male college teachers, not to mention finding appropriate baby-sitters to share the burden of child- caring. Only when the quality of second-child birth is guaranteed and only when the time is ripe for second reproduction will some young female college teachers decide on whether or not to give birth to a second child. Therefore, within col-leges and universities, young female college teachers belong to the uunderprivileged group^ in terms of their occu-pancy of economic and social resources To cope with this countermeasures are proposed including smoothing outthe difficulties facing the professional title evaluation of young female college teachers, clarifying the quantitative criteria regarding professional title evaluation, strengthening the construction of teaching and research teams, provi-ding guidance for young female college teachers, and standardizing the management work of social service workers.
作者 杨建云
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2017年第4期45-53,共9页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
基金 校级科研创新团队"航空产业经济"(2016TD02) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(14B790004) 国家社会科学基金项目(15BJY095)
关键词 “青椒” 理想子女数量 生育计划 职称评审 消费者均衡 young female college teachers ideal number of children fertility plan professional title evaluation consumer equilibrium
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