在全球气候普遍变暖、冰川大面积退缩的大背景下,为揭示山岳冰川十分发育的喀喇昆仑山脉现代冰川分布及变化特征,以中等空间分辨率(ETM和Landsat 8)卫星数据为主要数据源,采用人机交互式解译方法完成了厦呈慕士塔格山、吕莫慕士塔格山段冰川变化遥感调查,基本查明了区内冰川面积、分布特征和变化状况,共调查1 373处冰川,其中中国境内有554处,境外克什米尔印控区有819处;同时对区内典型冰川变化进行了2期对比分析,得出冰舌退缩、前进或稳定现象同时存在的结论,为喀喇昆仑山脉冰川变化研究提供了参考依据,为我国西部边海防地区水资源的开发利用和冰雪灾害的防治等提供了科学依据。
In the background of global warming and glaciers shrinking, the authors took the medium spatial reso-lution satellite data (ETM, Landsat 8) as the main data of remote sensing, and completed the remote sensing in-vestigation of glaciers variation in Siachen and LyuMo Muztaghata Mountains by human - computer interactive in-terpretation, in order to reveal distribution and variation characteristics of the modem glaciers in Karakoram Moun-tain Range where mountain glaciers are well developed. The glaciers area, distribution and variation characteris-tics of a part of glaciers were ascertained in the study area. This study totally investigated 1 373 glaciers, inclu-ding 554 glaciers in our country and 819 glaciers in India - controlled Kashmir. Also the ETM data and Landsat 8 data about the typical glaciers in the study area were contrasted. The result shows that the ice tongue shrinking, expanding and steadying exist at the same time, which can provide references for the study of glaciers variations in Karakoram Mountain Range. The results above have important scientific significance and practical value for the water resources utilization of our western frontier and prevention of snow disaster.
Geological Survey of China