Since the Bergen Electronic Edition (BEE) of Wittgenstein' s Nachlass is drawing increasing attention from international scholars of Wittgen- stein, the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) in Norway is becoming a new frontier for the Wittgenstein studies. In this essay I will survey the philosophical studies which have been finished by WAB, including their academic product, researching and teaching activities which have been performed since the 1990s. I will argue that the works done by WAB will have a significant influence to the present Wittgenstein study in four aspects: the investigation of BEE is increasing the profile of ' digital Wittgenstein scholarship' ; the construction of the e - Platform in WAB is a beneficiary of the ' open access' internet movement on social science and humanities' research ; the ' digital turn' in Wittgenstein study also brings about a new field of research on Wittgenstein and the philosophy of information ; the resulting research based on BEE is also bringing about a ' conceptual revolution' in our traditional understanding of Wittgenstein' s way of philosophizing and his philosophical ' works' in general.
Studies in Dialectics of Nature