Urbanization standard of the hinterland along Zhen - Gan line in Jiangxi and mid - south area of Jiangxi is very different, since the distribution density for the medium - sized city centre is quite different. In order to promote the urbanization level in Jiangxi province, the procedure of "from north to south, step - by - step - promotion" must be applied, and at the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the relationship between the hinterland along Zhen - Gan line and mid - south Jiangxi during the procession of constructing urbanization belt. In order to build the urbanization structure of north Jiangxi, section - by - section development mode must be ap- plied, which means dividing the larger administrative area into smaller area, and through breaking administrative constraints, sub - area should be shaped between neighboring districts. The relationship between medium - level centre and county - level centre, town - level centre, towns chain, secondary centre and node centre must be developed as soon as possible, constructing the urban system which is built by the different levels of centre, urbanization level can be improved quickly in this way.
Journal of Xinyu University
Zhe - Gan line
urban system
"section by section" development
node centre