结合物联网Android平台,设计并实现了一种具有手机监测报警功能的新型可穿戴医疗监控系统。采用ATmega16作为系统主控芯片,结合脉搏采集电路、体温采集电路、蓝牙通信电路和电源电路搭建硬件系统以实现人体体征参数脉搏和体温数据的实时监测,并通过蓝牙通信将数据实时传输到专用的Android APP上显示、记录和分析,如果体征参数超出正常范围将通过GSM网络向监护人发送报警短信。实验对比结果证明,该系统脉搏测量误差在2BPM以内,体温测量误差在0.1度以内,报警精准度达97%,具有较高的应用价值。
Based on the internet of things Android platform,a new wearable medical system with monitoring and alarming functions is designed and implemented. By using ATmega16 microcontroller as the system master chip and combining with pulse collection circuit,temperature acquisition circuit,Bluetooth communication circuit and power circuit,the hardware circuits is built to realize the real time monitoring of pulse and body temperature data.The sign parameter is transported in real-time to private Android APP by Bluetooth communication to be displayed,recorded and analyzed. Alarm messages will be sent to guardian while sign parameters have exceeded normal range by GSM network. The experimental results show that the pulse measurement error is less than 2BPM; temperature measurement error is less than 0. 1 degree and the alarm accuracy is up to 97%. The system has great significance in practical application.
Shanxi Electronic Technology