
微动探测方法软件的实现 被引量:5

Implementation of the Microtremor Survey Method Software
摘要 利用微动进行勘探无需振动源,方便快捷、对环境没有干扰,是一种很有发展前景的勘探方法。针对微动探测数据处理的需求,开发研制了一套可视化微动探测处理分析软件系统MSMSPAC。该软件采用C~#语言开发,主要功能包括台阵设计、台阵方位角分布分析、数据格式转换、微动有效数据段挑选、数据滤波、重采样、参数计算及频散曲线提取、编辑、合并、项目管理等功能。软件系统界面友好,操作简便。 Microtremor, also known as of the earth. Its amplitudes range from range from about a few seconds to tens microseism and ambient noise, refers to the tiny vibration about a few to a few hundred microns, and its frequencies of Hz. Generally, microseisms refer to the low frequency waves produced by wind and ocean waves, whereas microtremors refer to high frequency waves created by mechanical vibration excitation, the boundary of which is about 1 Hz. The micro- tremor wave field is a complex time varying field, and its main ingredient is the fundamental mode of the surface wave, a small amount of body wave, and high order surface wave. Funda mental mode Rayleigh waves dominates the vertical component, whereas I.ove waves dominate the horizontal component. Shear wave velocity structure is an important index for site condition and is considered an engineering site classification. Convenient and economic field near-surface ve- locity structure exploration methods have been the focus of research in the field of engineering seismic exploration. In the seismic active fault evaluation of near fault strong ground motion, a 3D underground structure model must first be established. Artificial or natural seismic explora- tion methods cannot meet the requirements, and some sites are also limited by existing buildings,deployment difficulties, and low resolution for the surface velocity structure. Meanwhile, blas- ting as a means of seismic exploration in urban areas have received increasingly less public accept- ance. The drilling method is the most direct method to determine the soil ground velocity struc- ture and soil dynamics parameters, but the high cost and limited drilling depth restrict its large- scale use. Compared with the above method, the Rayleigh surface wave method is economical, simple, and convenient; it has unique advantages in solving the abovementioned problem. Based on the generation of the Rayleigh wave signal as well as the collection and analysis methods, the surface wave method can be classified into two types: active detection method (SASW, MASW) and passive method (Spatial Autocorrelation Coefficient (SPAC) , F-K). The microtremor survey method involves many steps and subjective judgment, and entails the necessary pre-processing of data, post-processing of the dispersion curves, and rapid on-site assessment tools for array. In or- der to facilitate technical engineering use, developing a visualization analysis software system is necessary. According to the need of microtremor data processing, we developed the software sys- tem (MSM-SPAC) for the SPAC microtremor survey method. The main functions include the de- sign of the observation array, the azimuth distribution analysis of the array, data format conver- sion, selection of the effective interval of observation data, data signal filtering, re-sampling, SPAC coefficient parameter calculation, dispersion curve extraction, editing, merging, and pro- ject management. The software is user-friendly and easy to operate.
作者 李井冈 姚运生 张丽芬 廖武林 王秋良 LI Jing-gang YAO Yun-sheng ZHANG Li-fen LIAO Wu-lin WANG Qiu-liang(Institute of Geophysics ,China Earthquake Administration ,Beijing 100081 ,China Key Laboratory o J Earthquake Geodesy, Institute of Seismology, CEA , Wuhan 430071, Hubei ,China)
出处 《地震工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期376-380,共5页 China Earthquake Engineering Journal
基金 中国地震局地震研究所所发展基金项目(IS201216023)
关键词 微动探测方法 空间自相关法 软件 C#语言 microtremor survey method SPAC software C#
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