为了探寻设施番茄的高效生产方式,该试验采用了水培与基质培复合栽培技术种植番茄,试验设置了3种基质配比(细棉沙、细棉沙+草炭、草炭+蛭石+珍珠岩),种植了‘博耐313'‘绿宝石'‘北亚6号'3个品种番茄,研究了不同基质对复合栽培下番茄生长与产量及品质的影Ⅱ向。结果表明,草炭+蛭石+珍珠岩配比基质处理下的3个番茄品种生长速度较快,叶片光合作用较强,‘博耐313'‘绿宝石'与‘北亚6号'产量分别1.84、0.85、0.77 kg/株,分别高于细棉沙+草炭处理17.5%、4.9%、19.1%,差异显著,但与细棉沙处理差异不显著:在不同基质处理的3种番茄品质方面,草炭+蛭石+珍珠岩处理的果实品质与细棉沙基质处理无显著差异,2个处理的番茄果实硬度均显著大于草炭+细棉沙处理。总体结果表明,复合栽培技术中草炭+蛭石+珍珠岩基质配比更适合番茄的生长与产量提升;同时也可用细棉沙基质替代,不会显著降低产量与品质。
In order to study the effect of different substrates on growth, yield and fruits quality of tomato in greenhouse, a composite cultivation technology which combine the hydroponics and substrate cultivation methods were used in this experiment, three types of substrates (sand, sand and peat, peat and Vermiculite and perlite) and three tomato varieties (BONAI 313, EMERALD, BEIYA 6) were set. The results showed that growth, plant photosynthesis, yield and fruits quality under the compound substrate of peat, vermiculite and pearlite were better than other treatments, the yield of BONAI 313, EMERALD,BEIYA 6 are 1.84 kg/plant, 0.85 kg/plant and 0.77 kg/plant under the compound substrate of peat, vermiculite and pearlite separately and higher than the compound substrate of sand and peat treatment for 17.5%, 4.9%, 19.1% separately, but the sand substrate treatment was no significant difference compared with it, and the growth, plant photosynthesis, yield and fruits quality under the compound substrate of sand and peat was lower than other two treatments. This experiment results indicated that we had better use peat and Vermiculite and perlite mixture substrate for the composite cultivation. And also we can use the cheapest sand substrate to instead other expensive commercial substrates for the composite cultivation due the sand substrate can't significant reduce the yield and fruit quality of tomato plants.
Agricultural Engineering Technology