Save life at sea is the special rules formed of ocean civilization system. With the change of sea perils and human society, traditional salvage theory has been unable to meet the needs of actual. In a new type of maritime property represented by aircraft in need of help, it is very likely show the moral hazards that salver save property to obtain salvage reward and ignore life. Human object does not belong to salvage, salvage reward in human does not enjoy the inde- pendent claim remuneration, lack of mandatory provisions of the save life are all the reasons for difficulties in reality. In order to ensure the life salvage effect, the United States according to the theory of Quasi - Contract established the salvage charges compensation in human life salvage, Britain granted independence rewards of lives for salvage and maritime lien, in environmental aid under the special compensation mechanism of traditional ' no results, no pay' mechanism has also been a breakthrough. By creating compulsory insurance, first pay, responsibility limitation of carrier and compulsory rules of support system ensure that human could get salvage priority.
Law Science Magazine