目的分析21例血管性帕金森综合征患者的临床诊断。方法选择我院2011年1月至2015年12月收治的21例血管性帕金森综合征患者作为观察对象,对患者的临床影像学检查资料及治疗情况进行回顾性分析。结果 21例患者中有17例以肌强直和运动迟缓起病,3例患者以无力、少语、呆板起病,1例患者以吞咽功能障碍起病;应用头颅CT与核磁共振检查发现患者存在多发腔隙性脑梗死、脑萎缩和脑蛋白质疏松症状;通过智能障碍检查发现其中14例患者存在智力障碍;对21例患者应用多巴丝肼、金刚烷胺等药物治疗有效率较低,仅有5例患者通过治疗有效。结论血管性帕金森综合征患者以肌强直、震颤、运动减少为主要临床表现,多发脑梗死,早期对患者进行诊断和治疗、预防并发症以及加强护理是促进患者健康的重要手段。
Objective To analyze 21 cases of vascular Parkinson's syndrome in patients with clinical diagnosis. Methods Our hospital between January 2011 - December 2015, 21 cases of vascular Parkinson's patients as research object, to the patient's clinical imaging examination and the treatment situation were analyzed retrospectively. Results 21 cases of 17 cases with onset muscular rigidity and bradykinesia, 3 patients with weakness, less, inflexible have disease, 1 case with swallowing dysfunction in patients with onset; application of head CT and mri examination found in patients with multiple lacunar cerebral infarction, cerebral atrophy and brain proteins symptoms; through intelligent obstacle check 14 patients were found to exist is mental retardation; 21 cases of patients with application of dopamine silk hydrazine, low efficiency in the drug treatment such as amantadine, only 5 patients by effective treatment. Conclusion Vascular Parkinson's syndrome patients with muscular rigidity, tremor, reduced movement as the main clinical manifestations, multiple cerebral infarction, for patients with early diagnosis and treatment, prevention of complications and enhance nursing is an important means to promote the patients' health.
Guide of China Medicine
Vascular Parkinson's syndrome
Cerebral infarction
Computed tomography (CT)
Clinical diagnosis