
一种支持性能优化的软件部署描述语言 被引量:1

A Software Deployment Description Language for Performance Optimization
摘要 现有的软件即服务(SaaS)动态部署模型和语言在描述软件部署方案时,主要关注部署配置信息、性能需求及资源可用性需求,难以为面向SaaS软件部署方案的性能优化提供支持。为此,提出一种SaaS软件部署描述语言(SSDL)。SSDL根据SaaS软件部署的特点,结合SaaS软件性能优化所需的信息,从部署环境、部署对象、部署计划和部署约束4个方面构建SSDL概念模型,描述SaaS软件部署方案并给出基于SSDL的性能优化方法。通过应急任务运行管理系统部署方案的性能优化实验,验证了提出的SSDL对软件性能优化的支撑作用。 The existing Software as a Service (SaaS) dynamic deployment models and languages mainly focus on deployment configuration information and performance or resource availability requirement when describing software deployment scheme, which cannot support performance optimization of SaaS software deployment scheme. Based on the above problems, this paper puts forward a SaaS Software Deployment Language (SSDL) according to SaaS software deployment' s characteristics and information SaaS software performance optimization requires. This paper constructs the conceptual model of SSDL describing SaaS software deployment scheme from four aspects which are deployment environment, deployment object, deployment plan and deployment constraint, and then presents the performance optimization method based on SSDL. Finally,a deployment scheme performance optimization experiment of an emergency task operation management system verifies the support function of the proposed SSDL for software performance optimization.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期11-18,共8页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(61373038) 国家"863"计划项目(2012AA011204)
关键词 软件即服务 部署描述语言 性能优化 部署方案 概念模型 Software as a Service (SaaS) deployment description language performance optimization deploymentscheme, conceotual model
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