

“Back to Modernism”:Analysis of Wiel Arets's Design Ideas and Works
摘要 威尔·艾里兹是荷兰年轻一代现代主义建筑师,他以沉稳、内敛的建筑风格见长,作品简明扼要且清楚易掌握,在几十年的建筑实践中,亦有自己对现代主义独特的见解,大学任教生涯带给艾里兹新思想,让他始终保持着对建筑的敏感。该文试图从他的成长经历与教育背景入手,研究其思想以及成因,并且选取他不同时期的四个设计作品为例进行分析,旨在从整体的角度把握他的设计脉络,探讨他的建筑创作思想对当代建筑设计的意义,给中国建筑师带来一些启示。 Wiel Arets is a young Dutch modernist architect. He is known for calm and restrained architectural style, and his work is concise, clear and easy to understand. In the decades of architectural practice, he has his own unique opinion about modernism. His university teaching career also brings him ideas, and keeps him sensitive to architecture. Beginning with his growth experience and education background, we study his archit^ture thoughts and the causes, and we also select his design werks in four different periods as examples to analyze his design. Then we try to understand the context of his architectural design from a holistic point of view. Finally we attempt to explore the value of his architectural thinking to contemporary architecture design, and bring some enlightenment to Chinese architects.
作者 傅诚 李翊
出处 《华中建筑》 2017年第5期90-94,共5页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 威尔·艾里兹 现代主义 思想 作品解析 严谨 空间形态 Will Arets, Modemlsm, Design ideas, Works analysis, Rigor, Spatial form
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  • 1维尔·阿雷兹作品专辑第9~12页.1989年
  • 2Wiel Arets. Body Invaders. In: Xavier Costa:Wiel Arets.Barcelona: Ediciones Poligrafa, 2002.116
  • 3Pier Vitriol Aureli, Saskia Ktoosterboer, Nohistory as history, No theory as Theory, Hunch,2001(4). 40
  • 4Dominic Papa. In conversation with Wiel Arets. EL Croquis: Wiel Arets, 1997(85), 9,14
  • 5Pier Vittorio Aureli. Trauma and Disappointment. Hunch, 2001 (4). 46
  • 6Bart Lootsma. Personality, Craft and tradition: The architecture roots of Wiel Arets,in: Xavier Costa: Wiel Arets, Barcelona:Ediciones Poligrafa, 2002.27
  • 7Wiel Arets. A Virological Architecture, InXavier Costa: Wiel Arets. Barcelona: Ediciones Poligrafa, 2002.124
  • 8Dominic Papa. In conversation with Wiel Arets. EL Croquis: Wiel Arets, 1997(85). 13,15,16
  • 9Alberto Ferlenga, Paola Verde. Dom Hans Van der Laan. Architectura&Natura, 2001.10
  • 10格雷格·林的文章发表在(入侵城市)第41-54页(City Invasions).阿瑟·克罗克尔(Author Kroker)编辑.1994年出版于维也纳.









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