
邓小平的两大历史遗产与习近平的新发展 被引量:1

Two Historical Contributions of Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping's Later Development
摘要 邓小平为党和国家留下两大历史遗产:《党和国家领导制度的改革》是我国建设社会主义民主政治的伟大纲领性文献,是提出建设中国民主政治制度和制度治党思想的历史起点;"南方谈话"对建设中国特色社会主义诸多理论问题作了比较全面的论述,并对马克思主义理论作了创新性发展,在党和国家历史发展再次处于向何处去的紧要关头起到了拨正航向的指针作用,是发展社会主义市场经济的定海神针和带有政治交代意义的重要文献,是马克思主义中国化发展到新阶段的伟大标志。习近平的"四个全面"战略布局是对邓小平两个讲话的创新性发展,将邓小平关于建设小康社会的历史嘱托、民主和法制思想、制度治党的思想真正全面落到了实处并作出许多创新性发展。对党长期执政的两大"守护神"毛泽东和邓小平,我们既要坚决维护又要科学维护。 One of Deng Xiaoping's great historical contributions, the report On the Reform of the System of Party and State Leadership became important guidelines for building the socialist democracy of China. It also marked a new historic starting point of socialist democracy and regulation-based governance of the Party. Another contribution of Deng Xiaoping was his comprehensive elaboration during his inspection tour of the South in 1992 on major issues challenging the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Deng's theoretical innovations of Marxism served as important guidelines for the direction of socialist reform of China in a critical period. Deng Xiaoping's elaborations stipulated that socialist market economy should be an important task of reform and provided principles for major political issues in China. It marked a new stage in adapting Marxism to China's conditions.The Four- pronged Comprehensive Strategy proposed by Xi Jinping has been a further development of Deng Xiaoping's historical contributions. It embodies Deng Xiaoping's major thoughts in building a moderately prosperous society, democracy, law-based national governance and regulation-based governance of the Party. A proper attitude toward Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong's historical contribution is a guarantee for the long-term governance of the Party.
作者 石仲泉
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2017年第2期5-17,共13页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 邓小平 习近平 毛泽东 历史遗产 新发展 Deng Xiaoping Xi Jinping Mao Zedong historical contributions further development
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