

Optimization of Acetone and N-hexane Azeotrope with Extractive Distillation Process Based on Orthogonal Experiment
摘要 本文基于化工模拟软件Aspen Plus V7.3,选用乙二醇甲醚为萃取剂,对丙酮—正己烷共沸体系的连续萃取精馏过程进行模拟与条件优化。利用正交实验对工艺参数进行优化,结果表明,在全塔理论板数为34,原料和萃取剂分别在第27块和第8块理论板进料,回流比为1.2,溶剂比为2.5的条件下,可得到纯度分别为99.60%和99.63%的丙酮和正己烷,萃取剂乙二醇甲醚的循环补充量为0.005kg/h。模拟与优化结果为丙酮—正己烷共沸物连续萃取精馏分离过程的工业化设计和操作提供了理论依据和设计参考。 Continuous extractive distillation process for acetone-n-hexane azeotropic system was simulated and opti-mized using Aspen Plus V7.3.2. Methoxyethanol was selected as a suitable extractant. Through the orthogonal experi-mentation, the technologic parameter was optimized. The simulation result shows that the mass fraction of acetone and n-hexane can reach 99.60% and 99.63%, cyclic supplementation of ethylene glycol is 0.005kg/h while the num-ber of theory stages is 34, the mixture feed stage is 27th, the solvent feed stage is 8 th, the reflux ratio is 1.2, and the solvent ratio is 2.5. The results are useful for the design and operation of continuous extractive distillation process for acetone- n-hexane azeotropic system.
作者 梁建东 汪梅 蒲兴云 王克良 连明磊 杜廷召 Liang Jiandong Wang Mei Pu Xingyun Wang Keliang Lian Minglei Du Tingzhao(Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Liupanshui Normal University,Guizhou Liupanshui 553004 North China Company,ChinaPetroleum Engineering Co., LTD., Hebei Renqiu 062552)
出处 《科技广场》 2017年第3期102-104,共3页 Science Mosaic
基金 贵州省科技厅联合基金项目(黔科合J字LKLS[2013]27号) 贵州省教育厅教学内容与课程体系改革项目(编号:GZSJG10977201604) 贵州省教育厅特色重点实验室项目([2011]278) 贵州省普通高等学校煤系固体废弃物资源化技术创新团队(黔教合人才团队字[2014]46号) 贵州省煤炭资源清洁高效利用科研实验平台(黔科平台[2011]4003)
关键词 萃取精馏 丙酮 正己烷 乙二醇甲醚 ASPEN Plus Extractive Distillation Acetone N-hexane 2-methoxyethanol Aspen Plus
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