
浅析终身教育思想的演变与深化 被引量:1

The Evolution and Deepening of Lifelong Education
摘要 终身教育是人们为了应对第二次世界大战后科学技术和生产力的高速发展对人类生产生活提出的新要求、新挑战及建设学习型社会采取的重要举措,已越来越受到世界各国的高度关注。终身教育理念的推广与实践在很大程度上影响着个人生活乃至区域的经济、社会发展。本文以时间为脉络对终身教育思想的发展历程进行简要梳理,并结合其实践进行横向和纵向的剖析,以期对终身教育思想有进一步的认识,对终身教育的未来发展有更清晰的把握。 Lifelong education is an important measure to cope with the rapid development of science and technology as well as productive forces after the Second World War,which has attracted more and more attention all over the world.The promotion of the concept of lifelong education and its application of practice affect the individual and regional economic and social development very much.This paper is based on time sequence to make a brief review of the development history of lifelong education in the context of horizontal and vertical analysis of lifelong education practice,so as to have a further understanding of the theory of lifelong education and have a clearer grasp of the future development of lifelong education.
作者 贾敏
出处 《高等继续教育学报》 2017年第2期71-75,共5页 Journal of Continuing Higher Education
关键词 终身教育 终身学习 思想 Lifelong education lifelong learning informal learning
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