

The Politics of Subaltern and Alterity:Constructing Third-world Femininities in Ru Freeman's A Disobedient Girl
摘要 作为典型的后殖民小说,斯里兰卡著名女作家茹·富里曼的处女作《让爱有天意》将故事背景设置为充斥着各种社会矛盾的斯里兰卡。虽然那里早已摆脱殖民者的直接统治,但其政治体制、法律制度和教育体系等仍然在很大程度上保留着旧时殖民统治的痕迹。当这一问题与阶级问题、性别问题纠缠在一起时,局势便显得更为复杂,面临多重困境的女性群体往往需要采取更为激进、巧妙的手段加以回应。富里曼以一对典型的斯里兰卡母女为叙事视角,叙述了第三世界妇女在种族压迫、阶级压迫与性别歧视的社会里是如何积极挑战"属下"和"他者"地位,并最终建构起别种的女性意识的。 As a classic post-colonial text, A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman is set in post-independence Sri Lanka that is still largely ravaged by various social conflicts. In the absence of direct colonial rule, the colonial political, legal and educational systems still exert their palpable influences on Sri Lankan life. When this problem is unsettlingly complicated by gender and class, the situation becomes increasingly complex for Sri Lankan women, who unfortunately get trapped in multiple dilemmas and have to respond in a more radical and intelligent manner. In the novel, Freeman manages to narrate the struggles of a mother and her daughter against these dominant forces in their life, as well as their eventual triumph in defying their arbitrarily defined status as "subaltern" and "aherity" and constructing alternative, more authentic femininities.
作者 张磊 雷敏
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第2期107-113,共7页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目(编号为15WYC067) 中国政法大学校级人文社会科学研究项目(编号为12ZFQ750001)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 《让爱有天意》 属下 他者 第三世界 女性意识 A Disobedient Girl subaltern aherity third-world alternative femininity
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