为了满足安全关键性实时嵌入式系统对实时行为正确性和确定性的要求,本文应用ETSEC网络控制器的硬件时间戳特性,Re Works嵌入式实时操作系统的实时特性,结合IEEE 1588精密度时钟同步协议,设计并实现了一个面向安全关键性领域的时钟同步系统原型.其同步精度达到100纳秒以内,并通过软件插桩测试和验证了该时钟同步系统的正确性和精度.
In order to meet the requirements of real-time behavior correctness and certainty of safety critical real-time embedded system, the paper shows a design and implementation of clock synchronization system with hardware timestamp characteristics of the of ETSEC Ethernet device controller. The real-time embedded operating system ReWorks and IEEE 1588 precision clock synchronization protocol is adopted for the implementation. The synchronization accuracy is less than 100 ns, and the accuracy and precision of the clock synchronization system are tested and verified.
Computer Systems & Applications