
《阙特勤碑》南面铭文的作者与镌刻年代问题 被引量:1

The Background of the South Side of Kül Tégin Inscription
摘要 《阙特勤碑》和《毗伽可汗碑》有大量雷同的文字,为什么同一段铭文会出现在两块不同的石碑上?它们又是在什么历史背景下镌刻的?这些问题,从未有学者提出来讨论过。通过对突厥文和汉文两种史料的对比研究,我们作了一些尝试性的探索,并得出了几点初步的结论。毗伽可汗在开元廿年作的《阙特勤碑》仅包括东面40行、北面13行和棱角处的纪年、落款。阙特勤碑建成之时,碑南面是空白,没有刻字。伊然可汗开元廿三年组织镌刻的《毗伽可汗碑》包括东面41行、东南棱角1行、南面15行和西南棱角落款。毗伽可汗碑建成之时,碑北面也是空白。直到开元廿八年登利可汗继位后,在唐朝李质的协助下,登利可汗在阙特勤碑南面和毗伽可汗碑北面的空白处,镌刻了同一篇铭文。文中突厥汗国人心涣散的境况,反映的正是登利可汗继位之时突厥汗国即将瓦解的局面。直到开元廿八年才刻成的阙特勤碑南面13行和毗伽可汗碑北面15行,都是出自登利可汗之口,后者比前者多出的几句是登利可汗引用其父亲临终前留下的原话。 Bilge Kagan composed a text for his younger brother's memorial in the year of 732. His words were inscribed by Yollug Tegin onto the stone and then sculptured by Chinese craftsmen. Bilge Kagan's composition included the 40 lines on the east side, 13 lines on the north side, and two extra lines on the edges of Ktil Tegin's memorial. When Kiil Tegin's memorial was built up, its south side was left blank. Two years later, Bilge Kagan was poisoned by Buyruk for, but he survived. He killed the poisoner and executed all his followers. Before dying, Bilge Kagan composed a new text for himself. He made use of his earlier composition and replaced the part concerning Kul Tegin with his own biography. When he died, his personal composition was handed down to his son Tenri Yaratmls Kagan. In the year of 735, with the assistance of Chinese craftsmen, the new kagan carved his father's words carefully onto his memorial without any change, only adding an introduction and an conclusion in the name of himself. Bilge KaZan Inscription consisted of the 41 lines on the east side, 1 line on the southeast edges, 15 lines on the south side and 1 line on the southwest edges. KaZan When Bilge Kagan's memorial was built up, its north side was left blank too. In 740, Terjri Yaratmls was on Bolmls Kagan composed a talk. He let Chinese craftsmen carve his talk onto the blank sides of both Kul Tegin's memorial and Bilge Kagan's memorial, so that his subjects could read and comprehend it. Compared with the text on the smath side of Kul Tegin Inscription, there are several extra lines on the north side of Bilge KaZan Inscription. The extra part was a direct quotation of Bilge Kagan's words. Key word: Kul Tegin, Bilge Kagan, Teqri Yaratmls Kagan, Teqride Bolmls Kagan
作者 陈浩
机构地区 上海大学文学院
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期148-154,共7页 Academic Monthly
关键词 阙特勤 毗伽可汗 伊然可汗 登利可汗 Kul Tegin, Bilge Kagan, Teqri Yaratmls Kagan, Teqride Bolmls Kagan
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