目的探讨中孕期及晚孕早期规范化产前超声标准切面在各级医院推广的临床应用价值。方法2014年7月至2016年6月哈尔滨市红十字中心医院超声科医生对选定的哈尔滨市9家医院超声医生不定期来本院超声科进修学习产前超声筛查技术。将培训前后的胎儿畸形检出情况进行对照分析。结果 (1)推广规范化胎儿筛查标准切面图后,各医院筛查人数增加,较推广前增加比率35.8%~121.7%[(125-92)/92^(1459-658)/658]不等;(2)推广标准切面图后筛查出的畸形种类明显增多,且涵盖的内容更全面。结论选定的9家医院应用规范化超声标准切面进行胎儿筛查,减少了漏诊,降低了出生缺陷率及围产儿死亡率,具有重要的临床价值和意义。
Objective The study is to explore the clinical practice value of popularization of using normalized prenatal ultrasound with standard section for the second trimester of pregnancy and early phase of the third trimester of pregnancy in different levels of hospitals. Method During July 2014 and June 2016, doctors from the Department of Ultrasound of Harbin Red Cross Central Hospital gave on-site training to ultrasound doctors from 9 selected hospitals in Harbin, including giving lectures and practical operation to instruct how to apply prenatal ultrasound screening. Meantime, the selected doctors engaged in advanced studies of technique of ultrasound screening from time to time in the Department of Ultrasound of Harbin Red Cross Central Hospital as well. Then the results of fetal malformation screened were analyzed both before and after training/ popularization. Results There number of expected mothers doing prenatal screening increased in the selected hospital after the popularization of normalized screening with standard view. The increase range was from 35.8%to 121.7% [(125-92)/92-(1459-658)/658] compared with that before popularization. Moreover, the variety of malformation significant increased and more comprehensive malformation was detected after popularization. Conclusions The popularization of using regulated/ normalized prenatal ultrasound with standard view/section in selected hospitals not only decreased missed diagnosis but also reduced the rate of birth defect and mortality rate of perinatal infant, which demonstrated great significance and clinical value.
Chinese Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis(Electronic Version)
prenatal ultrasound screening
rate of birth defect