Taking the slant bed as research object. Firstly, to study its" stiffness and strength, a three-dimensional solid model of the bed is established for stress analysis in SolidWorks. Secondly, the finite element analysis model of the bed is established for static analysis and modal analysis. The results show that the static and dynamic performance of the bed does not meet the use re- quirements, so further optimization needs to be conducted. SIMP method of topology technology is utilized to optimize the machine bed. The results show that a more reasonable layout of bed structure can be designed and lightweight design can be realized by us- ing topology optimization. After optimization, a better structure is designed according to the shape of topology result. By comparison of the new design with the original bed, the mass of the new bed scheme has reduced by 4.3%, the deformation of the guide has declined, the first three natural frequencies have also increased to different extent, which verify the feasibility of the optimization program.
Agricultural Equipment & Vehicle Engineering
slant bed
static analysis
modal analysis
topology optimization