
考虑消费者策略行为及产品具有替代性的多厂商定价 被引量:10

Multiple Vendors Pricing Based on Alternative Products and Strategic Consumer Behavior
摘要 基于消费者的策略购买行为,研究销售开始时提供某种新产品的销售商1和销售开始一段时间后提供模仿产品的销售商2的竞争性产品定价。通过分析策略消费者购买行为,分析销售商之间的博弈过程,证明了该博弈存在唯一的子博弈精炼纳什均衡,得到了新产品的最优跨期定价、模仿产品的最优定价及两销售商的最大利润。研究还发现,凭借先动优势,作为领导者的销售商1所获利润大于作为跟随者的销售商2所获利润;与消费者为短视型时的销售情况相比,消费者的策略性降低了新产品的两期价格、模仿产品的价格及销售商1的利润,但有可能增加销售商2的利润;消费者的策略购买行为对销售商2利润的影响取决于销售周期、模仿产品的质量与投放市场的时间、消费者第二阶段对产品的估价折扣等参数的取值。最后的数值试验也验证了所得结论的正确性。 Based on consumer strategic purchasing behavior,this paper studies the pricing problem of two competitive firms that retailer 1offer a new product at the beginning of the sale,and retailer 2offer the imitation products after a period of time.By analyzing strategic consumers behavior and the game process between retailer 1and retailer 2,we prove that the game exists the only sub-game refining Nash equilibrium solution,and gets the optimal prices of the two kinds of products and the maximum profits of the two retailers.The study has found that with the first-mover advantage,the leader,retailer 1's profit is bigger than retailer 2who is the follower's profit.This paper also discusses the effect of consumer strategic behavior on the two kinds of products' optimal pricing and on the two retailers' maximum profits.Comparing with the sale situation which consumer is myopic,this study also finds that original products' intertemporal price,imitation products' price and retailer1's profit all become lower because of consumers strategic purchasing behavior,but retailer 2's profit may become higher.Strategic consumers' effect on retailer 2's profit depends on sales cycle,the quality of the imitation product,the time when the sale of the imitation product begins,the product value discount of consumers in the second stage,etc.parameters' values.Finally the numerical experiment validates the correctness of the conclusion.
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期130-137,共8页 Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71671036 71171046)
关键词 策略型消费者 短视型消费者 跨期定价 替代品 Strategic Consumers Myopic Consumers Intertemporal Pricing Substitutes
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