目的对小麦纤维素进口注册标准中植酸的提取条件进行优化。方法测铁分光光度法,其原理是在样品中加入过量已知浓度的硫酸铁铵溶液,样品中的植酸先与Fe^(3+)络合形成植酸铁,过量的Fe^(3+)与加入的SCN-络合呈血红色,植酸含量与显色程度成反比。结果验证实验表明植酸含量在0~0.2μmol范围内与吸光度呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数达到0.9 983;方法重复性RSD为2.35%;加标回收率在96.74%~103.54%之间。结论 30 min内待测溶液稳定性好,该方法准确可靠、环境友好。
Objiective registered to plant to sourly withdraw a condition to catty on in the standard to the wheat cellulose import excellent turn. Methods Measure iron light intensity of light tbr cent method, its principle's joining in the sample too much has already known the ferric sulfate An of density aqua, in the sample of plant sour first and Fc 3+ nets match formation to plant sour iron, too many of Fe 3+ and SCN-net joining match to present a blood-red color and plant a sour content and show color degree inverse ratio. Results Verify an experiment to express to plant the sour content is in 0-0.2μ mol with absorb intensity of light to present good line sexual behavior, the correlation coefficient attains 0.9 983;Method repeated sex RSD is 2.35 %;Add to mark a recovery rate in 96.74 %- 103.54 %.Conclusions Stay to measure an aqua stability inside the 30 rains good, the method's accurate credibility, environment amity.
Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine
Testa triticum tricum purif
Phytic acid
Determination of iron by spectrophotometry