随着输电线路设计的发展,精细化设计和差异化设计在工程设计越来越重要。该文基于某750 k V输电线路工程,在Ansoft Maxwell中建立三相导线差异化仿真模型,并分别计算了在改变中相导线分裂间距、增大中相导线截面积、减小边相导线截面积及减小边相导线分裂数情况下导线表面电场强度的变化。根据表面电场强度,对不同差异化设计情况下电磁环境及电晕损耗进行计算和分析;同时结合可听噪声限值和无线电干扰限值,通过经济性分析提出了一种环保、经济、可靠的三相导线差异化设计方案。
With the development of transmission line design, fine design and differentiation design become more and more important in engineering design. Based on the 750 kV transmission line project, the differentiation design simulation model of three-phase conductors is established based on Ansoft Maxwell in this paper. Electric field intensity on conductor surface is calculated respectively under the condition of changing the bundle spacing of mid-phase conductors, increasing the sectional area of mid-phase conductors, decreasing the sectional area of side-phase conductors and decreasing the number of split side-phase conductors. Electromagnetic environment and corona loss under different differentiation design are calculated based on the surface electric field intensity. Combining with the audible noise limit and radio interference limit, an environment-friendly, economic and reliable differentiation design of three-phase conductors is proposed through economic analysis.
Smart Grid
transmission line
three-phase conductors
differentiation design