
重新认识自动性在语言能力中的地位 被引量:7

A Re-evaluation of the Status of Automaticity in Linguistic Competence
摘要 由于历史的原因 ,自动反应问题已经长期受到忽视 ,现在需要在认知科学中重新认识。自动性没有独立的地位 ,但存在于各种语言和非语言认知结构之中。语言能力包括两个主要方面 :(1)语言和非语言知识 ;(2 )导致认知结构快速反应的自动性。因此 ,自动性在语言能力和语言教学中的作用和地位应当受到重视。 This essay is a study of the long neglected issue of'automaticity'in language and language use, in the light of the prevailing cognitive view. By citing evidence from historical and empirical researches, it points out that automaticity exists in various types of cognitive structures or mental models and that linguistic competence mainly consists of knowledge and automaticity. The conclusion of the essay is that the status of automaticity should be re evaluated and due attention should be given to automaticity in both linguistics and foreign language teaching.
作者 陈开顺
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2002年第3期16-19,共4页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 自动性 语言能力 认知结构 外语教学 automaticity linguistic competence cognitive structure foreign language teaching
  • 相关文献


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