
养殖场粪污氨排放控制的管理对策分析 被引量:9

Strategies of Ammonia Emission Control of Livestock Manure
摘要 我国畜禽业的快速发展,使得畜禽粪便污染问题日益严重。介绍国内外粪污处理的现状与政策,比较了固液分离、调节pH、曝气和表面覆盖这几种粪污处理措施的氨减排效果和经济性,得出向粪污储存表面增加覆盖物,可以减少氨排放和养分的流失,是经济又有效的一种方法。通过具体分析秸秆覆盖粪污的较优条件,建议粪污储存池的表面积要小于8 100 m^2,在晚春向粪污含固率大于2%的储污池,覆盖10cm长、0.3m厚的秸秆,其氨减排有效性和经济性最好,可使氨排放量减少85%以上。 With the rapid development of China's livestock, poultry and animal feces pollution is increasingly serious. Current situation and the policy of waste storage at home and abroad are introduced in this paper. By comparing the effectiveness and economy of ammonia emission reduction of several measures including solid - liquid separation, regulating the pH, aeration and surface covering, it is concluded that mulching the waste storage surface is an economical and effective method which can reduce ammonia emission and nutrient lose. Through analyzing the optimal conditions of mulching waste with straw, it is suggested that waste storage pool' s surface area is less than 8 100 m^2 , and in the late spring, using lOom long, O. 3m thick straw cover waste poor where the solid content is more than 2%, has best ammonia emission reduction efficiency. It can reduce ammonia emission by more than 85%.
出处 《四川环境》 2017年第3期147-153,共7页 Sichuan Environment
基金 北京市科委科技计划课题(D151100005115001 Z151100001115010) 中荷奶业中心课题(2015-R2 2016-R2)
关键词 畜禽粪污储存 氨排放 秸秆覆盖 Livestock manure storage ammonia emission strow coverings
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