Empresses' clans of Southern Song Dynasty neither matched those of Han and Tang in power and influence, nor be- came families of generals like those of Northern Song Dynasty. Yang family of Chun'an, which Empress Yang of Ningzong be- longed to, was the biggest Empress' clan in the mid-late Southern Song Dynasty, as well as a typical one in the whole. Mist shadowed the forming of this family, because Empress Yang and Yang Ci-shan, her so-called brother, were from two different Yang families. They united together for political benefit, which formed the later Yang family of Chun'an. From then on, for the benefit of the family, Yang clansmen launched or took part in coups twice, first killing the powerful minister Han Tuo-zhou, and then deposing the imperial son Zhao Hang, and supporting Lizong to get the throne. However, for the benefit of the family all the same, they knew how to keep low and avoid power, in order to maintain reputed social status and huge family fortune. Af- ter Empress Yang, the Yang family of Chun'an appeared an imperial son-in-law and another empress dowager. The development of this family indicates the difference between the developments of empresses' clans and other families in Southern Song Dynasty: they did not rely on the imperial examination, or the development of their own power, but tried hard to get royal graciousness in generations in order to get and keep fortune. With the collapse of Southern Song Dynasty, a part of Yang clansmen died for the dynasty, but others became the conquered, facing predicament of family declining. The circumstance of Yang clansmen in Yuan Dynasty indicates that under this mode of development, a family would decline soon once the royal graciousness disappeared.
Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Southern Song Dynasty
empresses' clans
Yang family of Chun'an
Empress Yang