运用酶细胞化学技术 ,显示中国对虾 (Fenneropenaeuschinensis )淋巴器、皮肤、鳃、肝胰腺、中肠盲囊和中肠这几种组织细胞中的酚氧化酶活性 ,在透射电镜下观察各组织中细胞内酚氧化酶的活性部位 ;观察在受病毒感染的细胞内酚氧化酶对病毒的作用。结果表明 ,在健康对虾的组织细胞中 ,基本不表现酚氧化酶活性 ,而在受病毒感染的对虾中 ,不同的组织表现不同程度的酚氧化酶活性。其中 ,尤以淋巴器和皮肤的细胞中酚氧化酶活性最强 ,在淋巴器和皮肤这两个组织的细胞中 ,都可看到酚氧化酶对病毒结构的破坏作用。中国对虾淋巴器具有对血淋巴中有害异物进行过滤的作用 。
The enzyme cytochemistry technique is used to illustrate the phenoloxidase activity in the cells of lymphoid organ, skin, gill, hepatopancreas midgut cecum and midgut of Penaeus chinensis, including the observation of the phenoloxidase active site in different tissue cells under the transmission microscope and the observation of the action of phenoloxidase against virus in the virus-infectious cells. Results indicate that phenoloxidase hardly have activity in healthy tissue cells, while in unhealthy cells, phenoloxidase show positive reactions to some different extent in different tissues. Among them, phenoloxidase in the cells of lymphoid organ and skin had the highest activity. In the cells of lymphoid organ and skin, that phenoloxidase destroyed the structure of virus is observed. The lymphoid organ of Penaeus chinensis have the function of filtering deleterious heterogeneous substances in its haemolymphoid organ and phenoloxidase played an important role in this process.
Chinese High Technology Letters
国家 973规划 (G19990 12 0 0 5 )资助项目