
EDTACo-MgAl层状双金属氢氧化物去除活性黑5 被引量:2

EDTACo-MgAl Layered Double Hydroxides for Reactive Black 5 Treatment
摘要 采用共沉淀法制备EDTACo-Mg Al层状双金属氢氧化物(EDTACo-MgAl-LDHs),通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP)等对材料进行表征,并以活性黑5为模拟染料废水,研究了污染物浓度、pH、温度等因素对吸附效果的影响,初步探讨了其作为类Fenton催化剂的反应性能.结果表明:常温、中性条件下,其对活性黑5的最大平衡吸附量达到330 mg·g^(-1);随着污染物浓度的增大,EDTACo-MgAl-LDHs的吸附和催化H_2O_2氧化效果呈互补趋势,对于初始质量浓度在120~360 mg·L^(-1)范围内的活性黑5的总去除率均能达到90%以上. A new nano composite matertal of EDTACo-MgA1 layered double hydroxides ( EDTACo-MgAI-LDHs ) was synthesized in the ways of coprecipitation. Then, X-ray diffraction(XRD) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) were used to characterize the properties of the material. The azo dye reactive black 5 was chosen as a target pollutant to study the effects of initial pH, concentration of target pollutant and temperature on adsorption. Finally, the properties of EDTACo-MgAl-LDHs as catalyst for Fenten reaction were discussed preliminarily. It is found that the maximum equilibrium adsorption was 330 mg g-1 under the conditions of normal temperature and neutral pH. The catalytic oxidation and adsorption efficiency was complementary with increasing pollutant concentration, The total removal efficiency reaches up to 90% with the initial pollution concentration range of 120-360 mg L-1.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期869-873,共5页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(51108330)
关键词 层状双金属氢氧化物 活性黑5 吸附 催化氧化 layered double hydroxides (LDHs) reactive black 5 adsorption catalytic oxidation
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