基于现场试验,利用黄河三角洲某滩涂丰富的粉土资源,采用袋装粉土棱体+中间吹填粉土堤心斜坡堤结构在潮间带滩涂筑堤,对吹填粉土堤心进行地基处理,之后铺设沥青混凝土路面,建成3 km长的疏港一级公路,取得了较好的经济和社会效益。直接采用粉土充填土工织物袋,将常规的袋装砂筑堤技术升级为袋装粉土的筑堤技术,在粉土地区具有较好的推广应用前景。
Based on the field experiment, we use the rich silt resource in the Huanghe River Delta to build an embankment.Adopting the slope dike structured bagged grade I harbor road and achieve satisfactory economic upgrades the conventional bagged sand to the bagged shows a good application prospect in the silt area. silt prism plus filled silt dike core, we build a 3 km long and social benefit. The new dike-building technology, which silt by adopting directly the silt to fill the geotextile bags.
Port & Waterway Engineering