In order to make clear the reason behind the process where particular matter and ozone ab-normally went up at night and was observed for the first time in Changzhou City, this paper presents the results from a step by step in - depth analysis in terms of the variation characteristics of pollu-tants ,meteorological field, backward trajectory and super haze station data. And the reasons behind this pollution process is obtained and summarized as follow : ( 1) thunderstorm weather having taken place in Changzhou and surrounding areas on that day may produce high concentrations of ozone and large number of secondary particles, (2) low pressure prior to the cold front created the condition for air mass convergence and accumulation, ( 3 ) lowering boundary layer due to rain in early summer to-gether with high temperature and high humidity environment at night promoted further the rise of pol-lutants concentration, (4) high concentrations of nitrates and heavy metals in southern City provided enough precursors for secondary pollution.
Environmental Protection and Technology
particulate matter and ozone pollution
super haze station