
白细胞介素-4-590C/T基因多态性与牙周炎易感性的Meta分析 被引量:2

Association between -590C/T polymorphisms of interleukin-4 gene and periodontitis: A meta-analysis
摘要 目的评价白细胞介素-4-590C/T(IL-4-590C/T)基因多态性与牙周炎易感性之间的关系。方法计算机检索PubMed、Embase、ScienceDirect和Web of Science、CBM、CNKI、Wan Fang、VIP数据库,搜集国内外有关基因多态性与牙周炎相关性的病例对照研究,经文献筛选、资料提取和质量评价后,采用R 3.3.1软件进行Meta分析,按牙周病分类及人群种族进行亚组分析。结果 Meta分析结果显示,总体:IL-4-590C/T等位基因频率及各基因型频率与牙周炎间无显著关联:(T vs C:OR=1.19,95%CI=0.811.76,P=0.37)。亚组:高加索人种对于携带CC基因型而言,携带TT基因更具牙周炎易感性(TT vs CC:OR=1.75,95%CI=1.10~2.78,P=0.02),差异具有统计学意义,而该基因型在亚洲人种未见显著差异(P=0.63);在慢性牙周炎与侵袭性牙周炎中,均未发现IL-4-590C/T等位基因频率及基因型频率与二者存在易感性(以T vs C.为例,慢性牙周炎:OR=1.20,95%CI=0.75~1.90,P=0.45;侵袭性牙周炎:OR=1.17,95%CI=0.77~1.78,P=0.45)。结论IL-4-590C/T基因多态性与高加索人牙周炎易感性间有一定相关性,与亚洲人牙周炎易感性无关。 Objective To evaluate the relationship between-590C/T polymorphisms of interleukin-4 gene and periodontitis by meta-analysis. Methods Databases including PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science, CBM, CNKI, Wanfang and VIP, were searched from their establishment to December 31, 2016. Only case-control studies on the association between-590C/T polymorphisms of interleukin-4 gene and periodontitis were selected, and the references of those selected studies were searched by hand. Assessment and data extraction were conducted by 2 reviewers independently, and the meta-analysis was performed with the R 3.3.1 software. Results The meta-analysis showed that there was no association between the IL-4-590C/T polymorphism and periodontitis susceptibility(T vs C: OR=1.19, 95%CI=0.81~1.76,P =0.37). Subgroup analysis showed that the IL-4-590 TT was associated with periodontitis in Caucasians(TT vs CT:OR=1.75, 95%CI=1.10 ~ 2.78, P = 0.02), but no significant association in Asians(P =0.63). Meanwhile, IL-4 gene polymorphisms were not significantly associated with the susceptibility of chronic periodontitis(CP) or aggressive periodontitis(Ag P)( e. g. T vs C, CP: P=0.45; Ag P: P =0.45). Conclusion Based on current evidence, the polymorphisms of IL-4-590C/T are associated with the increased risk of periodontitis in Caucasians.
出处 《口腔疾病防治》 2017年第6期354-359,共6页 Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2013B021800049) 广州市医药卫生科技项目(20141A010098)
关键词 牙周炎 白细胞介素-4 多态性 基因 META分析 Periodontitis Interleukin-4 Polymorphism Gene Meta-analysis
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