介绍了ASTM E18和GB/T 230.1-2009中关于洛氏硬度值测量不确定度的评定方法。对这两种不同标准中关于硬度计的检定方式、测量不确定度来源的选取、不确定度计算方法等进行了对比和分析,同时提出一种针对间接检定、较为实用、合理的洛氏硬度值测量不确定度评定方法。
The measurement uncertainty evaluating methods of metal Rockwell hardness in ASTM E18 and GB/T 230.1-2009 are introduced. The verifcation methods of hardness tester, the choice of measurement uncertainty sources and the calculation methods of uncertainty in these two different kinds of standards are compared and analyzed. And a much more practical and reasonable uncertainty evaluating method of metal Rockwell hardness in view of the indirect measurement is put forward.
Shanghai Measurement and Testing