运用负荷法和生化动力学法分别计算得到好氧区、缺氧区和厌氧区的水力停留时间及容积,并通过预设总水力停留时间,以差值法得出沉淀池的水力停留时间,由此确定沉淀池体积。最终得到好氧区、缺氧区、厌氧区和沉淀池的体积分别为450,700,200和100 L。以此数值建立一体化OCO实体装置,以某学校生活污水为处理对象,装置稳定运行一周,对工艺进出水水质进行监测,数据显示:COD去除率稳定在90%以上,总氮最高去除率为66.8%,氨氮去除率稳定在98%左右。
The method of load and the method of biochemical dynamics are used respectively to calculate the hydraulic retention time and volume of the aerobic zone, the anoxic zone and anaerobic area; the total hydraulic retention time is preset; the method of difference is used to calculate the hydraulic retention time of sedimentation tank, then the tank volume is confirmed. In the end, the volume of oxygen, oxy-gen - deficient, anaerobic and sedimentation pond is 450 L, 700 L, 200 L and 100 L respectively. And based on the data, an integrated OCO physical device is established, dealing with the life sewage in a certain school. This device smoothly operates for a week, monitoring the water quality. The data show that COD (chemical oxygen demand) removal rate keeps steady at more than 90% ; the highest removal rate of TN (total nitrogen) is 66.8% and the removal rate of NH3 - N (ammonia nitrogen)keeps steady at around 98% .
Journal of Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
广东石油化工学院大学生创新创业培育计划项目(2016py A028)