
基于频率变换的压电俘能器接口电路设计 被引量:1

Design of interface circuit of piezoelectric vibration energy harvester based on frequency transformation
摘要 设计了一种可以减小匹配电感的双同步开关电感电路。建立了仿真模型,仿真结果表明该电路的能量采集的功率最大可达1.9 mW。与一般同步电荷提取电路相比,该电路可以使整体电路体积减小了2/3。将此电路应用于不同形状的压电片的振动能量俘获,发现振动频率和压电片的形状对该电路收集到的能量都有影响,当振动频率为40 Hz时,在矩形压电片上收集到的能量最多。 An interface circuit for double synchronized switch harvesting circuit (DSSH) which could descend matching inductance was designed, and its simulation model was established. The simulation results show that the maximum harvesting power is 1.9 mW. Compared to the general DSSH, it can reduce the size of the circuit by a factor of three. This circuit was applied to piezoelectric vibration energy harvestings with different shapes. It is found that the size and shape of the piezoelectric sheet all have impact on energy harvesting. A rectangular piezoelectric sheet at the vibration frequency of 40 Hz harvestes the most of the energy.
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 2017年第7期75-79,共5页 Electronic Components And Materials
基金 河南省科技计划项目资助(No.172102210380 No.142102210137) 河南省教育厅自然科学计划项目资助(No.14B510007) 郑州市重点实验室资助(No.121PYFZX178) 郑州市科技局科技发展计划项目资助(No.20140755 No.20140615 No.20150237) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划资助(No.15A610010) 黄河科技学院校级科研项目资助(No.KYZR201305)
关键词 压电俘能 接口电路 频率变换 匹配电感 同步电荷提取 双同步开关电感电路 piezoelectric energy harvesting interface circuit frequency conversion matching inductor synchronous charge extraction double synchronized switch inductance circuit
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