目的探讨多发性肋骨骨折伴创伤性湿肺的诊断与治疗方法。方法选择我院收治的65例多发性肋骨骨折伴创伤性湿肺病例,所有患者均通过拍X片及CT检查明确诊断并予以相应治疗,观察两组患者的诊断和治疗情况。结果所有患者均在伤后30 min^6 h内住院,65例均急诊拍片,并行CT检查,均发现多发性肋骨骨折并合并创伤性湿肺。除2例合并严重的颅脑损伤死亡外,63例患者对症处理后均痊愈出院。结论多发性肋骨骨折伴创伤性湿肺是最常见复合型损伤,病情重、合并症多,应及时进行X片及CT检查,明确诊断,并及时采用无创性呼吸机是提高治愈率,减少并发症的关键。
Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of multiple ribs fracture combined with traumatic wet lung. Methods Sixty five cases of multiple ribs fracture combined with traumatic wet lung in our hospital were selected. All patients were diagnosed by X-ray and CT examination and received the corresponding treatment, the diagnosis and treatment result of the patients in two groups were observed. Results All patients were hospitalized 30 min-6 h after injury, 65 cases were emergency film, parallel CT examination and were found in multiple ribs fracture combined with traumatic wet lung. Except 2 cases of severe craniocerebral injury died, 63 cases were cured after symptomatic treatment. Conclusion Multiple ribs fracture combined with traumatic wet lung is the most common compound injury disease, which has a heavy condition and more complications, it should be promptly use X-ray and CT examination to a clear diagnosis, timely use of noninvasive ventilator is the key to improve the cure rate and reduce the complications.
Clinical Research and Practice
multiple ribs fractured
traumatic wet lung
respiratory distress syndrome