
护理专业女生对人乳头瘤病毒及疫苗的认知及态度调查 被引量:2

Knowledge and attitude towards HPV and its vaccination among female nursing students
摘要 目的了解护理专业女生对人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)的认知现状及其对疫苗的接受程度,为我国下一步开展HPV疫苗接种的推广提供科学依据。方法采用人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗之意见调查问卷对山东某大专院校护理专业1年级、2级和3年级共计374名学生进行HPV及其疫苗认知和态度现状进行调查。结果护理专业学生对HPV及其疫苗的认知及态度水平较低,得分为3~109(78.48±7.97)分。不同年级女性健康知识调查维度、女性健康信念态度调查维度、应接受HPV疫苗人群态度调查维度得分比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),知识水平与态度积极性随着年级的增高而升高。结论应针对影响接种疫苗的重点人群制订全面有效的教育方案,以促进我国下一步开展HPV疫苗接种的工作;学校应该进行一些有关此疾病相关的知识讲座和课程培训,提高他们的知识水平,进而提高疫苗接受度。 Objective To examine the knowledge and attitude towards human papillomavirus(HPV) and its vaccination among female nursing students and provide scientific evidence for the promotion of HPV vaccination. Methods A total of 374 female nursing students were investigated by the questionnaire which was aimed to know the knowledge and attitude of human being. The participants were from grade one,grade two and grade three of one university of Shandong. Results The level of knowledge and attitude of female nursing students was low and the score was 78.48-+7.97. There were significant differneces of students from different grades of knowledge,attitude and the population who should receive the vaccination.The level of knowledge and positive attitude was increased along with higher grade. Conclusion A comprehensive promotion programme should be deigned and implemented in order to promote HPV vaccination. The university should plan the seminars and training courses of some particular diseases to improve the students' knowledge level and vaccination acceptance in China.
出处 《中华护理教育》 2017年第6期457-461,共5页 Chinese Journal of Nursing Education
关键词 乳头状瘤病毒疫苗 学生 护理 认知 态度 Papillomavirus vaccines Students,Nursing Cognition Attitude
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