针对Win2K操作系统存在的诸多不安全因素 ,提出了比较系统详尽的Win2KInternetServ er安全管理策略 .所提出的应对策略操作简单 ,实用性强 ,具有较强的可管理性 ,真正有效地对入侵者进行Win2K操作系统与IIS全力围堵 ,旨在建立稳固的Win2KInternetServer安全管理系统 .
In light of some insecure factors of Win2k OS, the article proposes a set of all-round security management strategies. The strategies, which make the invaders sticking their chin out while they attempt invading our Win2k or IIS system and aim at creating the secure and reliable management system for Win2k Internet Server, are available and manageable.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)