为明确不同药量的26%苯唑草酮·莠去津悬浮剂剂对玉米田一年生禾本科和阔叶杂草的防除效果,特设计本试验。试验结果表明:用量200~250 g/0.067 hm^2有效成分780~975 g/hm^2的26%苯唑草酮·莠去津悬浮剂剂对2叶期—4叶期一年生禾本科及阔叶杂草有较好的防除效果。
To determine the dosage of 26% azole atrazine suspension concentrate on the control effects of annual gramineous and broadleaf weeds on maize fields, specially designed this experiment. Test results show that 200-250 g/0.067 hm2, 780-975 g/hm2 had 26% control effects on the annual grass and broadleaf weeds in the 2 leaves to 4 leaves annual gramineae and broadleaf weed.
Agricultural Technology & Equipment