《一个女人一生中的二十四小时》是奥地利作家斯蒂芬?茨威格的代表作之一,小说通过“我” 的回忆,讲述了在旅人对饭店发生的私奔事件展开激烈讨论后,年迈的贵妇人C太太向“我”倾诉了困 扰她多年的二十四小时内的经历.在小说中,作者通过叙事时间手法的巧妙运用,对人物的心理表现 起到了重要作用.小说独特的叙事时间策略主要表现在作者对时序、时距、频率的灵活处理,以此建 构了一个交错的时空,使作品呈现出了独特的审美价值.
The Twenty-four Hours in a Woman's Life is one of the representative work of Austrian writer Stephen Zweig. Through memories of "I", After a heated discussion of the elope event of the hotel, the old lady Mrs. C confided to "I'1 about the experience that had plagued her for twenty years. In the novel, the using of the technique of narrative time played an important role for the character's psychological performance. The unique narrative strategy in the Novel is reflected by the author* flexible processing of the timeseries, interval, frequency to construct a interlaced space and time, thus the work presents the unique aesthetic value.
Journal of Lijiang Teachers College